Guest Workshops 2022

Past Workshops

Sharmila Rao Workshop
International Yoga day 2018
Sharmila Rao ist eine Bharata Natyam Tänzerin in Zürich. Sie unterrichtet und tritt seit mehr als 20 Jahren auf. Durch diese Erfahrung entwickelte sie einen neuen Ansatz, wie indisches Tanztraining noch effektiver und gesünder sein kann. Sie fügt daher dem traditionellen System des klassischen Tanzes neue funktionelle Übungen hinzu, die nicht nur den Körper stärken, sondern auch dazu beitragen, die Bewegungen im Tanz präziser und subtiler zu machen. Mit diesen innovativen Übungen will sie Verletzungen vorbeugen und gleichzeitig das Verständnis der Schüler für ihre eigene Tanzanatomie vertiefen.
Sharmila Rao is a Bharata Natyam dancer based in Zurich. She’s been teaching and performing for more than 20 years. Through that experience she developed a new approach of how Indian dance training can be more effective and healthier. She therefore adds new functional exercises to the traditional system of learning classical dance, which not only strengthen the body, but which also help to make the movements in dance more accurate and subtle. By introducing these innovative exercises she aims at preventing injuries and at the same time deepening the students understanding for his own dance anatomy.

Sunny Singh Dance workshop
First time in Switzerland
It is with great pride that we invite you to participate in a trio of dance workshops to be conducted by famous choreographer and performer Sunny Singh, on June 16 and 17 at Tanzhaus Zürich.
Sunny is trained under Saroj Khan and now based in Madrid, Spain. These workshops are part of his Tour “Mission: Peace, Love and Dance” which has already taken him to Italy, China, Malaysia, France and now Switzerland.
Sunny is an incredible teacher and dancer and we hope that many of you will be with us to share the joy of dance, and show Sunny just how much we can rock the house! His workshops are famous for their simplicity and fun and it will be an unforgettable experience.
1 Weekend. 2 Days. 3 Workshops. BollyFusion, BollyLavani and BollyBhangra.
An extra workshop specially for children (7-12 yrs).
Light snacks for sale at very reasonable prices will be available during workshop breaks on both days.