Jalwa - A Musical Production

A Bollywood musical production of song and dance

A lovingly created 2 hour extravaganza combining live singing and dancing in stunning, authentic outfits. Soft, romantic, soulful. Energetic, vibrant, pulsating. Quintessentially Bollywood.

Music and Dance. The two things in life that can be appreciated unabashedly, without barriers of language or knowledge. Conceptualised and choreographed by Stuti Aga.


Amitabh ReuStuti Aga

Tsering Margey, Riti Mukherjee, Feroza Simeon
Divya Hedge, Jhilam Mukherjee, Linda Frey, Michelle Ferru, Mishi Agarwal, Namita Sikka
Rehna Sivarajan, Nilujan Rajenthiran, Kiran KishoreNadia SabaJacqueline Frick

Jalwa - A Bollywood Musical Production by Stuti Aga featuring Amitabh Reu


